Interested in sponsoring a show or helping out with the production costs?


To offset the cost of show royalties and production costs, show sponsorships are available.


Musical royalties are generally $2,100 per show – such as Singin’ In The Rain, You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown, and The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee.


All other royalties are generally $700 per show – such as The Ladies of Harmony, August: Osage County, and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.


In addition to the royalties to acquire the rights to perform a show, production costs can range from $200 to $1,000.


If interested in sponsoring a show, please send an email to and tell us how you’re interested in helping. We’ll contact you as soon as possible.


For all show sponsors, we will feature your logo on our posters, show programs and web site. Links on our web site to your site will be included on Our Supporters’ page as well as the sponsored show page.